Tag Archives: tribe of girlfriends

A Heart Gratefully on Its Path


You are faithful and true, never failing, and always working the details out at the perfect timing. Far from being a hands-off, impersonal deity, You’re intimately involved in even our smallest hopes and dreams.

I confess that I have been too “of the world” lately, caught up in the business of survival and business and money-making, and neglecting to just sit at Your feet and soak in Your presence.

Thank You for pulling me back, and thank You for revealing to me another incredible piece of the puzzle of what my life on earth can be about. I am so excited and grateful to be headed slowly but surely towards a filmmaking life-story ministry and business. It just pulls together so many things that I love.Ā Of course You would plan something like that for me. šŸ˜‰ And thank You so very much for my new Monday afternoon circle of girlfriends and for whatever community, growth, creativity, and contribution that will bring.

Please guide me in how to make the filmmaking thingĀ happen as soon as possible and beneficialĀ to all, and please help me to stay centered and unhurried as You and IĀ walk together towards that reality. Now that I know what’s coming, it’s a little easier to be patient, because that’s something I can even enjoy doing in my 80’s and beyond, and yet also harder to be waiting andĀ notĀ doing it, because it’s something I so want to do and provide! Please open doors in that direction, and speak to me in my heart about it. And please work Your miracles and magic in the lives of Bob, Rosie, and Robby at the Manna Room. They need You–and deliverance from the darkness plaguing them–so desperately. Please make it clear to me what I can do to help them. Thank You for Your love and power.

In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!

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Golden Day Gratitudes

Thank You, Abba, for this golden day.

Thank You that I was up at 5 once again, even though I went to bed at midnight.

Thank You that I will get to make up for lost sleep with a beautiful NAP this afternoon. šŸ˜‰

Thank You for Winston Churchill setting the example of great leadership through intentional napping.

Thank You for the excellent hangout time with true friends yesterday at the park, for our kids getting to truly play in nature while we got to have real conversation about dreams and passions and plans and books.

Thank You for waking me up from my deep rest slumber and giving me Chinese New Year’s as a way to still kickstart my year with a bang even though I’m getting a late start.

Thank You for the increasing clarity about my purpose and the new vision for Panda Journal (or something like it), where I can promote friends’ writings and pull it all together in one happy place.

Thank You for my fantastic Tribe of Girlfriends and the upcoming collage card party, where we can share inspiration, dream together, laugh, cry, celebrate, plan, wonder, create and collaborate.

Thank You so much for Ian taking Freedom with him on the drive to drop Ben off at school, so I could get a little more focused work time in. Thank You for Ben’s adorable school and that he has the opportunity to be a light there in those lives. Thank You for his wonderful teacher and all of his friends. Thank You for the “cool tools” they teach at that school, and for non-violent communication and mindfulness.

Thank You for prayer and gratitude and the power of love and the feeling of overwhelming Joy + Life bubbling in my heart right now. I could write gratitudes all day long, there are just so many things to thank You for.

And thank You for the breakthrough last night (even if it did require a bit of sakĆ©) to sweetness with Gramma last night, being able to say “thank you” to her and for her being able to actually hear and receive it.

Thank You for Ian’s enthusiasm and excitement, and for this season of hope.

Thank You for the fantastic trio so far of intentions & themes for 2015, beginning with PRAYER, dance in the middle, and finishing with permission to rock my marriage with training in tantra. This can only end in ridiculously fun adventure. You are worthy of every ounce of praise. I worship You. I adore You. Thank You.

In the name of Emmanuel I pray, amen!

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