Tag Archives: pride

Living Lightly Here on Earth

Good Morning, Abba. Happy Friday! You created the whole idea of cycles and weeks and time. You perfectly orchestrated everything to show us how nature works, so we can recognize the cycles and have something by which to structure our understanding of time and experience some measure of predictability. You are the master of all chaos, the creator of black holes, the One Who knows the answers to all our mysteries. You are the Ancient One. You existed before any of this was ever here, and You’ll be here long after it’s all gone. You are forever. Unchanging. Perfect. Complete.

I confess that I am a tiny little human with grand ideas of my own importance. I confess that I know almost nothing about the universe and yet I take myself and my insignificant little life very seriously. I have set myself upon the throne of my life, and I expect everyone else to pay me the respect that’s really only due to You. I think much of my circumstances and spend so much time and energy trying to manipulate them. I confess that I am a completely derelict, irresponsible and undisciplined ambassador of Your Kingdom, failing miserably at my job.

Thank You for Your forgiveness. Thank You that You are working in me both to will and to do. Thank You that You’ve promised to make good on my life, to turn it into something beautiful. Thank You for second chances unnumbered. Thank You for the freedom we experience in this country. Thank You for my beautiful children and their health. Thank You for Ben’s new school. Thank You for our new life and routine. Thank You that You will guide me to understand exactly which projects are worthy of my time and attention and will bring me a spiritual director.

Please bring that spiritual director this week. Please bring me an older, wiser person who will be honest and speak into my life and hold me accountable and expect much of me spiritually. Please help me to see the absolute best in people and not judge or criticize the ones you send into my life. Please help me to take my current perspective into my day, and to continue to take my projects very lightly, and to put all the weight on Your goals of glory. Please bless this evening’s party and give us the strength to cover it spiritually so that the Opposition is defeated. Please shape us into a cohesive, spiritually disciplined band of believers who make a difference in the history of mankind.

In Jesus’ beautiful name I pray, amen!

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