Tag Archives: unconditionality

Ambassador of Another Realm + Adventure in the Mundane


You are the ocean in which I swim, the air I breathe, the only reason I’m alive. You are infinite and almighty, all-wise and all-knowing. You are literally more powerful than a hurricane swirling all around me. And more gentle than a newborn baby lamb. Your love never fails or stops or misses a beat. Your forgiveness is complete and final. Your patience is steady as a mountain, and your passion is more intense than the heat in the center of the sun.

I confess that I woke up with such tiny human thoughts, letting little matrix details get to me. Judging instead of blessing and praying for those who irritate me. I also confess that I am Your ambassador reporting for duty. Do with me as You will today, Abba. I release my goals and ideas to You. I am all Yours.

Thank You that Heaven is real, and that Eternal adventure is possible here on this planet. Thank You that we’re not sentenced to a lifetime of meaningless human activity, because we can plug into You and have our eyes opened to the incredible spiritual realities taking place right where we are. Thank You for my family, this home Gramma shares with us, and Your perfect provision for us this year. Thank You for grace.

Please lead me to a phenomenal dance teacher who can help to bring that gift out in me so I can worship You with my entire body. Please show me what You are up to today and use me in the spiritual adventure. Please make me the kind of woman You can do amazing things through because I’m so surrendered and tuned in to You. Please teach me how to hear Your voice and know You. Please give me grace today to submit to my husband and love him and our children unconditionally.

Thank You! In Jesus’ name, amen!

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Work, Worship, Wisdom, Parties, and Presence

Abba, You are holy, whole, complete, not lacking anything. You are eternal, infinite, unlimited, without end, forever. You are loving, kind, generous, tenderhearted, forgiving, understanding, compassionate, faithful, true, worthy, dependable. You are the breath we breathe, the beating of our hearts, our souls’ one true desire, the Spirit that animates everything. You are divine, other, almighty, omnipotent, omniscient, beyond all human comprehension. You are beauty, love, comedy, adventure, inspiration, friendship, fun, brilliance, wisdom, courage, hope, faith. You are everything and the only thing worth anything. You are all that matters.

I confess that I wandered into the grasp of the 10,000 things again. Your little sheep has once again gone astray. I confess that i was attempting to run my own life without turning to You every hour for fresh inspiration, fresh filling with Your Holy Spirit, fresh connection and direction. Fresh insight and wisdom.

Thank You for pulling me back to You now. Thank You for your compassion and tenderness and love. Thank You for my incredible family and for the Christmas season. Thank You for saving me out of the grips of religiosity. Thank You for our church and for its freedom. Thank You that the kids get to perform in the Christmas play. Thank You for laughter and hugs and snuggling and “Unconditional Parenting.” Thank You that I get to babysit today, to serve my friends and be trusted with their child. Thank You that You are handling our finances and I don’t need to worry or plot or strive. Thank You for the birthing documentary and that it’s happening so organically and naturally. Thank You for the free coaching session with Jill last week and for the likelihood of opening up a channel of income by offering coaching services. Thank You that Ian is soaking in Your Word and pursuing Your Truth and sharing Your gospel. Thank You for the book Prayer Power and Purpose.

Please guide my daily work in Your perfect way and keep me from taking off on any distracted tangents. Please direct me to worship music that will allow my soul to find its home in You by being redirected to You with each thought, every time the song repeats in my mind. Please give us wisdom as to which channels of income to open up in order to provide for the needs of our family without getting too caught up in the world’s schtuff. Please shape the Tribe of Girlfriends Inner Circle pre-2015 party in the way that best pleases You. Please do the same with our first Prayer and Potluck party, so that we can share our home and family and hearts with our friends. Please help us to get the house & garage “dialed in” so that it’s a great space for that party to happen. Please keep calling me today, loud and clear, to be Your ambassador, Your avatar, Your presence here in my life circumstances.

I love you. I want to Know You. Experience You. Serve You. Glorify You. Magnify You. Love You more. Please You.

In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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