Tag Archives: money

A Heart Gratefully on Its Path


You are faithful and true, never failing, and always working the details out at the perfect timing. Far from being a hands-off, impersonal deity, You’re intimately involved in even our smallest hopes and dreams.

I confess that I have been too “of the world” lately, caught up in the business of survival and business and money-making, and neglecting to just sit at Your feet and soak in Your presence.

Thank You for pulling me back, and thank You for revealing to me another incredible piece of the puzzle of what my life on earth can be about. I am so excited and grateful to be headed slowly but surely towards a filmmaking life-story ministry and business. It just pulls together so many things that I love.Ā Of course You would plan something like that for me. šŸ˜‰ And thank You so very much for my new Monday afternoon circle of girlfriends and for whatever community, growth, creativity, and contribution that will bring.

Please guide me in how to make the filmmaking thingĀ happen as soon as possible and beneficialĀ to all, and please help me to stay centered and unhurried as You and IĀ walk together towards that reality. Now that I know what’s coming, it’s a little easier to be patient, because that’s something I can even enjoy doing in my 80’s and beyond, and yet also harder to be waiting andĀ notĀ doing it, because it’s something I so want to do and provide! Please open doors in that direction, and speak to me in my heart about it. And please work Your miracles and magic in the lives of Bob, Rosie, and Robby at the Manna Room. They need You–and deliverance from the darkness plaguing them–so desperately. Please make it clear to me what I can do to help them. Thank You for Your love and power.

In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!

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Praise Report: Marriage

Praise Report: Almost exactly a month ago, I prayed for help with my marriage and my frustration with the way my husband was talking to me (read the full post/prayer here). Over the course of the past month, he has started to get more and more disciplined about meditating, and now it’s a major focus of his life. As a result, he is so much gentler and more intentional and loving with me and the kids. This weekend when we talked about our main goals, he said his is to become impeccable with his word, and to pass that on to the kids. He said he wants to be so aware of his words as he speaks to the kids, of how he’s talking and what he’s saying. As he talked, I marveled–there is no way any woman could ever bring about that change in her husband, but look what PRAYER can do!! šŸ™‚


You are amazing. Your power is so mysterious, so unfathomable, so unmatchable. Major revolutionĀ is effortless to You. You speak to the heart of man and make changes that human effort could never attain. You are faithful and kind and fast-acting. You are generous and thoughtful, and You desire our life success and reconciliation even more than we do. There is nothing You cannot do.

I confess that I’ve been overeating and using food for comfort instead of coming to you, and it shows. Then I get distracted from worshiping You and living full-out for You by the thoughts about my body and feeling unattractive. I’ve allowed food and body image to take the throne in my heart. And I’ve been so neglectful in my calling as a praying wife–my amazing husband has been suffering from unemployment and all the depression that comes with that for so many years now, and I’ve pretty much stopped praying about it. Horrors!! I’m so ashamed now that I think of it, but I give that shame to you.

THANK YOU for bringing this to my attention, and that You have been working behind the scenes the whole time anyway. Thank You that You have the perfect job/work situation/business already lined up for my husband, and that You will bring it to pass when the time is just right. Thank You for how wise he is and for his renewed love for meditation and commitment to becoming a man of pure speech. Thank You for how powerful that will be for our family! Thank You for our friends and community, and for the great times over this past week. Thank You for reminding me of Real Moments, and for our sweet baby and that we still get a little time to enjoy him before he’s a full-out toddler. Thank You for the changes you’re working in my heart towards our adorable daughter, and for the Real Moments there.

Please continue to transform my heart toward her. And please help us all to learn to be pure in speech. Remove the ick from our habitual speech patterns. Teach us to have reverence in our speech and to have a balance of holiness and playfulness. Please give me wisdom and discernment regarding work and to-do’s and which are the truly important. Show me how to be Mary today and sit at your feet until it’s time to rise and do Your work. And please please please give us wisdom and discernment and unity regarding our new income (thank You for welfare and its strange new reality in our lives!) and how best to channel it. Thank You! Thank You that I don’t have to worry about it or try toĀ make us be smart with our money. I can trust you!!!

In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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