Category Archives: community

New Year, New Yearnings

Abba, You are the Source of all emotion, all energy, all movement, all life. You are the truth behind this whole story, the beginning of it all and the end we’re heading towards. You flood our lives with unbelievable blessings every day, whether or not we take the time to stop and notice or ever express thanks for them. You are the breath we breathe, the pulse in our veins, the glue holding every cell of our bodies together. And You love us fiercely, outrageously, completely. Just the way we are. You hold no grudges, forgive all offenses, and offer only love in return.

I confess that I have been living in a dream, taking this life too seriously, distracted by the 10,000 things again. I have let so many opportunities go wasted, so many of your children pass me by unnoticed. I haven’t spread your love as I could have, haven’t spent the time in prayer and meditation to keep myself focused on all that truly matters.

Thank You for reminding me of this truth. Thank You for calling to me. Thank You for giving me the vision of Heidi Baker, with Los Angeles as my Mozambique, during worship at Mosaic on New Year’s Eve. That is way too big of a purpose for me and yet if that’s what You want for me, I know You will bring it to pass. Thank You that You’ve promised to work in me both to will and to do Your calling and Your good pleasure.  Thank You for this new year and the air of hope and freshness and love. Thank you for community and friendship and praying friends. Thank you for my growing, strengthening tribe of girlfriends.

Please cause me to want You more, to listen to You more, to worship You more. Please arrange my schedule to make time for You above all else. Please clarify my goals and my projects to weed out the distractions and the time-wasters to make me available for YOUR work and for just basking in Your Presence. Thank You for all You’ve done already, and I commit this day, this week, this month, this year, this life, to You. Do with it as You will. I am Your little handmaid acceptance-with-joy.

In Jesus’ truly precious name I pray, amen.

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The Prayer + Potluck Party is Born (We’re “Hooked Up”)


You are eternal sunshine. You are magic. You are real. You are logical. You are sometimes very illogical. You created everything. You ARE love. You are so much bigger than the God of religion, even Christianity. You are un-understandable. You are outrageous. You are beyond “Beyond.” You are the great Mystery. To You there ARE no mysteries. You. Are. And You are mine. You are the lover of my soul, the breath of my life, the beat of my heart.

I confess that I still forget You for most of the day, and instead spend that time and energy managing my image, trying to be liked, and trying to provide for myself and my kids. Playing You. And I confess that I’m still so ungrateful for so many things, and I take Life itself for granted most days. I confess that I still let fear win the battle, and I don’t stand up to it and own my power as a prayer warrior. I confess that I lose more battles than I win, because I’m not even in the game. I’m distracted and caught up in the drama of the seen.

Thank You for Lucian’s birthday party tonight, and that we’re invited to Carrie’s house after all this time. We must be vibrating at a much higher frequency to be attracting her again. Thank You for my fantastic conversation with Charles last night as he waited for his bus. Thank You for love and friendship and conversation. Thank You thank You thank You for the Manna Room. Thank You for the angel Eddie who invited me there, but whom I’ve never seen again. Thank You that my children are happy and healthy and WITH ME, and that my marriage is protected by Your grace. Thank You that I have absolutely everything I need.

Please guide my priorities today. Give me wisdom as to what to do first, how to fit in creative projects like writing the “For Richer or Poorer” monologue/blog. Please create a community of prayer warriors around us, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I can boldly lead that movement if no one else is. Please grant us favor and doors wide open as we move in that direction.

Oh, I just had an Idea: throw a Prayer + Potluck Party at Linda Evans’ home.

Family-friendly. Anyone is welcome. We’ll break off in groups and cover the entire party (including food issues), our families, churches, city, nation, worldwide body of Christ, planet, and universe in prayer. We’ll open with worship. Maybe a hymn-sing. We’ll put out a blessing jar to collect any funds people feel led to share in order to bless Steve + Linda for sharing their home.

We can also do this same party at OUR home, and set up the garage as the prayer room. No blessing jar needed, because we’re “hooked up.” 😉

The more I think about it, I really really REALLY want to make it to at least the prayer part of Sam & Amy’s family small group on Sunday. I don’t want to miss an opportunity to pray with other believers! However, there’s the issue of childcare. $15 is just too much for our family right now, and I don’t even know if baby Freedom would be happy. Maybe just I could go, and leave the kids at home with Ian? No, that would be too weird. Hmmmm. Okay, maybe I’ll sit this one out for now, and work out my own prayer party as discussed above, but one that is FREE and operates on a rotating childcare/prayer system. THANK YOU, Abba!!!! Love love love it.

Oh em gee. One last thing before I go–I just realized we need to set out a PRAYER JAR–of COURSE!!!–that’s what people write their prayer requests on during the party. Then we distribute those during prayer time, so each gets covered during the party AND during the week afterward. It can even include contact info IF you desire a follow-up. Oh my sweet Jesus, thank You so much for this precious and beautiful idea. I can’t wait to experience this in person!!! 🙂

I love You love You love You! In Jesus’ all-powerful name I pray, amen!

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